Adieu to Maisie the Photograph France Cat
We could not let World Cat Day, 8 August 2022, pass by without a post for Maisie.
All good things come to an end. In the end.
As much as we wanted to hang on to our beloved old moggie - and she was old - twenty-three - it was time to say goodbye.
She was with us through thick and thin through all the years of driving between France and England. She loved travelling. She particularly loved the Channel Tunnel. It’s said cats are committed to their territories, not owners. Not Maisie. She didn’t care where she was as long as we were with her. The best thing she loved about travelling was that we couldn’t escape. We were in her company twelve hours non stop.
Are we there yet?
It’s also said cats are born hunters. Not Maisie. We caught a mouse and waggled it under her nose. Nothing. Not a twitch of a whisker.
We are still with her. She’s at the bottom of our wild garden with all the mice, voles, shrews and birds she couldn’t be bothered to chase. We say Hi Maze every day.
Post by Pamela, photography by Mark.