Olivier Grossetête in Amboise
Olivier Grossetête
Merci M. Grossetête and merci Amboise Mairie for a stimulating, life enhancing afternoon. The celebrated French artist Olivier Grossetête famous for his huge, ephemeral, transient cardboard and gaffer tape installations was in town. His works are not for elitist galleries they are for the people who live in the places where they are made. He holds communal workshops, an integral part of the creative process, all over the world. For the Leonardo Celebrations in Amboise he created a floating bridge.
The bridge is a potent symbol of Amboise. Amboise is the bridge. Thirty metres high, eighteen metres long, weighing two hundred and fifty kilos it floated light as air above the magnificent Château Amboise anchored by three huge helium filled balloons. What a sight. Every part of the bridge was made by three hundred locals of all ages. They taped the cardboard boxes together in the ancient church of Saint-Florentin. Those that built it also deconstructed it. Sad? Not at all. The fantastic, uplifting music from Fanfare Bella Ciao made sure it wasn’t. The children who helped make the bridge laughed as they carted away large sections to keep as souvenirs for an experience they will remember. As indeed will we. Felicitations M. Grossetête. Merci bien. Leonardo would approve of your fitting tribute.
Post by Pamela Photography by Mark
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